
The Charioteer

Original Fiction

Harry Potter

His Dark Materials




The Sound of Dreams by Zrina

Author’s Summary: Naruto leaves Konoha to bring back Sasuke, but complications arise in the form of Orochimaru's body transferrence jutsu. Circumstances force him re-evaluate his goals and dreams in life.

Kiss Me Deadly by Aweshum

Author’s Summary: One kiss. Everyday. For the rest of the school year. Those are my terms, Uzumaki.

Skinless by Shivvlan

Author’s Summary: It’s said that beauty is only skin deep and that to truly know a person you have to look beneath the flesh to the soul within the casing. SasuNaru.

Undermeath the Underneath by Shivvlan

Author’s Summary: Things are not always as they appear, people are not always who they seem to be wherever you are, whatever you do, whoever you talk to remember to always look Underneath the Underneath. Sequel to 'Skinless'.

Surface Flaws by IneXpressible

Author’s Summary: The invisibility started with one silly wish upon a star. Good thing Sasuke's doormat personality, Sai's attempts at matchmaking, and a mission gone wrong were all quite normal in the life of Naruto Uzumaki... Wait. What? SasuNaru.


The Charioteer

Through a Glass, Darkly (Laurie/Andrew)

Author’s Summary: Laurie learns that love isn't always a soft option. Takes place a few weeks after the culminating events of the book.

Watch One Hour With Me (Laurie/Ralph)

Author’s Summary: On the evening after Laurie's mother's wedding, Ralph and Laurie spend a memorable night at Laurie's childhood home.

Perverse Admiration by schemingreader

Author’s Summary: Ralph Lanyon meets Andrew Raynes in 1955.

The Beloved by Laura Mason (Laurie/Ralph)

Author’s Summary: Laurie's mother's been given away, the guests are gone and Ralph comes back to the house for the night, bearing a bottle of champagne.


Original Fiction

Human Condition by jfinn

Author’s Summary: It's 1985.  Reagan is president, The Cosby Show is the most popular show on television and the radio blares Shout incessantly.  At the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mike Ross spills some acid on himself in a lab and is rescued by football star Joe Lassiter.  What ensues is funny, touching, realistic and riveting reading. 

Tutoring Jerry by DesertMac (Yahoo Forum)

Random Summary: Danny, 17, is infatuated with popular highschool jock Jerry, who himself is an insecure closet-case. Through conflicted emotions and pain, Danny explores his newfound sexuality when he is given the job to tutor Jerry..

In Theory by Sirivinda

Author’s Summary: MM Original slash. Jamie's got a theory about how life and the universe seem to work, and Alex just fits right in. Complete.

Dial Tone by Comodin

Author’s Summary: One number carved into an Old Navy bathroom stall. One miserable, MusicFilled Educational Summer at band camp. Two boys to string it all together. Mix and allow mayhem to ensue.

WMSmoker Seeks Seclusion by PirateGrrl

Author’s Summary: Clyde doesn't discriminate; he hates everyone equally. Complete.

Taking These Chances by Karasu Tendo

  Author’s Summary: Zac's taking a break from the psychic police work, but it seems that someone doesn't appreciate "down time."

The Eiffel Tower by StarCounter

Author’s Summary: Sebastian Étaîn and Paris Brien. Two of a kind, the boys've been friends for God knows how long. When Sebastian's girlfriend wants a break, Paris is there for him. But wait, what, exactly, is it that Paris is there for again?


Sequel: Coliseum

Author’s Summary: Sebastian Étaîn and Paris Brien have survived a year and a half together. Surviving everything else should be inevitable. But life isn't like that, and both past and present choices have consequences, be it for the future . . . or the present. HIATUS.

By Ree

The Rockstar Survival Guide

Author’s Summary: When fangirls attack, there's only one thing to do: sacrifice the roadie. SLASH.


Author’s Summary: [SLASH] When you have the tendency to shut your door twenty-six times, it's hard for people to come in. But sometimes, especially in the case of a certain blue-eyed, half-Italian neighbor, it's hard to keep them out.

How to Grow Fruit

Author’s Summary: [SLASH] Raising a gay teen is never easy. Jared Adams, a sarcastic, self-declared loner, has been dragged to spend a few weeks with his parents and their old college friends. Unfortunately for Jared, this also includes Ryan, their snarky enigma of a son.

The Problem With Elephants by Scoradh

Author’s Summary: Two schoolboys with the hots for one another, a bit of angst and pretentious prose.

Not Supposed To by teeta

Author’s Summary: There are things that are not supposed to happen, like being kissed by your brother. This opened Uri's eyes to the fact that his brother could evoke unwanted feelings in him. Now the confused teen fights this attraction. Will he succeed? M/M.

Moonlight Denial by Darkness

Author’s Summary: “There are no such things as vampires or witches, ghouls, goblins, ghosts, or any other such ridiculous thing. They’re simply figments of some disillusioned mind and not worth my time, ” Nicoli said. He never imagined just how wrong he was. Anal, M/M, Oral, Violence, VS.

Spontaneity by Lilias

Author’s Summary: Once Upon a Time, a handsome Crown Prince set his sights on a visiting princess with the unique condition of being…well, male. And, if the supposed princess is kept away from sugar and pointy things, chances are they’ll live Happily Ever After.



The Discerning Palate

Isaac, a successful young pastry chef with a tendency to run his mouth off, has been wheedled into using his talents to help his favorite cousin get her new business off the ground. He's not crazy about the idea of being back in his suburban hometown for the first time in years, but he figures the most intense thing he'll have to put up with during his time there is the verbal abuse from his stressed-out relative.

He was wrong.

First a hot cop enters his life waving a gun, and then he manages to get into a bar fight - and to run into an ex-friend and old obsession who's even more disturbingly good looking than he was back in high school. Soon Isaac's in too deep, confused in love and dragged into dealing with the town's version of the mob. How the hell is he going to escape all the trouble he's in? And, equally important, is escape what he really wants?


The Groupie

Ethan Moeller is a shy and skitterish young artist, aware he is gay but low in self-esteem and inexperienced in sexuality.

Ethan surprises himself when he hooks up with Zane Butler, the charismatic and complicated singer of the indie rock band Snowborne. He now knows he has a weakness for attractive, slightly older men in tight jeans and great boots, and that he'd follow anywhere Zane would ask him to, but is that a good thing?

And what the hell IS Zane thinking? It's always so very hard to tell...

Creative Employment

 Will Merrin has everything one would think a 29-year-old man would want: Looks, health, self-confidence, a fast track career in business and an extremely well-paying job in a bustling East Coast City.

But he's lonely in a new city and over-worked, and is starting to get sick of being celibate. Or at least that's what he tells himself is the reason he starts messing around with his ostensibly 'straight' IT guy.

Tom's hot, charming, and fun to be around, but can't seem to make up his mind what he's doing with both a female fiancee and a gay playmate. Will's usually so very discerning, and too intelligent and savvy to run through such an emotional and mental minefield.

So if he's so damn smart, why can't he stop?


Author’s Summary: The Cronnex is an exciting gay fantasy tale in the manner of Jim Grimsley's Kirith Kirin, Ricardo Pinto's The Stone Dance of the Chameleon and Lynn Flewelling's Nightrunner series. It tells of two teenagers, born apart but linked by a mysterious mark, chosen by fate for a great task...if they're not first captured by a malignant and terrifying enemy determined to corrupt and destroy them both. The work is being published online, and Jessan and Niccas, the first two volumes, are complete and can be downloaded immediately, for free. So—what are you waiting for? Come on in.

Common as the rain

Parhelion’s Original Fiction

Whipsered Words – Original Slash Recommendations

Harry Potter

Just Add Water HP/BW

Author's Summary: NC17, BW/HP; Harry gets pissed and loses more than his glasses.  Warnings for Realism and coercion, blatant manipulation and general Guy-ness.  Written for the Booze Fuh-Q Fest.

Magical Maladies by Moonflower Rose

Author’s Summary: Just another spell in the hospital wing. HP/DM.

Sex Magic by Velvetblood

Author’s Summary: In Harry's seventh year, an unexpected subject pops up on his schedule. HP/DM.

Draco's Boy by Empathic Siren

Author’s Summary: Harry and Draco meet as eight-year-olds after Harry moves in next door. Draco takes a liking to Harry and decides to make him his boy. Follow them as they grow-up together, learn each other's deepest secrets and, after a little bit of angst and a whole lot of UST, fall in love.

Maeglin Yedi’s Harry Potter Fanfiction

Corresponding Follies by EnglishMuffin2

Author’s Summary: Harry Potter is lonely. He is seventeen years old, months away from graduating, actually survived defeating Voldemort – but has never had any type of relationship. Until he receives a secret admirer. HP/SB

Harry Potter and the Mai Tai of Doom by Sushi

Author’s Summary: One-shot. Summaries would be unjust to this divine comedy. :) Read it and weep. Laugh. Whatever.

Furor Scribiendi

En Las Montañas


Author’s Summary: Reply to a BE challenge. Harry and Lucius are stuck with each other in a foreign land. Unwilling at first, they stick together and try to get along. Time passes & things happen. Do they have enough time, or is slipping away already?


Come the Maelstrom (Sequel)


Author’s Summary: Back at Hogwarts, Harry must deal with being thrust back into the limelight and everything else thrown at him, and suffering Snape. And in addition, he must ensure as well as he can that the plan comes to fruition. And Lucius must deal with Lord Voldemort and his growing ire while seeing that his true plans are not discovered while his own life heads towards very shaky ground. Will the plan conceived so long ago in Spain actually work, and what will happen after it all ends?

Despoiling Harry – Amanuensis’ Recs

And Just Plain Wrong by Amanuensis

Author’s Summary:  Voldemort has won, and Hogwarts is the Death Eaters' twisted

The Many Charms About You by Amanuensis

Author’s Summary: No, you really don't want to be a test subject for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Trust me on this one.




Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection

Author’s Summary: It's Harry's fifth year and he's finally able to escape the Dursleys only to find that Voldemort has other plans. After numberous failed attempts to rid himself of the Gryffindor brat, Lord Voldemort now knows he must change tactics. But how does a Dark Lord convince a fifteen-year-old boy, orphaned by his own hand, to join him? Give him what he's always wanted, of course. Read on to discover how Voldemort manipulates Harry's life for three years to achieve the balance of power and reclaim the wizarding for his own.

Sequels: Harry Potter and the Unexpected Inheritance, Harry Potter and the Trelawney Prophecy, Harry Potter and Salazar's Talisman



Sweet Puppy

Author’s Summary: Read the first Fenrir Greyback/Harry Potter fanfiction on the net, first started in 2005. Chapter 14 posted. Warnings: non-con (first chapter only), HBP spoilers, elements of bestiality, rape play

The Solar Cross

Author’s Summary: From the author of "Sweet Puppy"; inspired by Judd Apatow's "Knocked Up" M/M, Post-war, MPreg, DH spoilers not including the epilogue. Harry has a one-night stand with social outcast Fenrir Greyback. What will become of it?

James Potter’s Good Day by Lady Feylene

Author’s Summary: This is for the Roughside Slave FQF. I combined #'s 23. Oh, you only THOUGHT James and Lily were dead. The truth is much, much worse... (Amanuensis) and101. Pairing: Harry/James. Hint: Time travel is your friend. (Seraphtrevs).

Saving Connor by Lightning on the Wave

Author’s Summary: AU, eventual HPDM slash, very Slytherin!Harry. Harry's twin Connor is the Boy Who Lived, and Harry is devoted to protecting him by making himself look ordinary. But certain people won't let Harry stay in the shadows...

Founding Hogwarts by Sylvie Moonbeam

Author's Summary: AU. The Founders of Hogwarts were brave, witty, loyal and cunning. They were also drunk, besotted, sarcastic, proud, lustful, jealous, petulant, conceited, petty, baffled, cursed – and on speaking terms with an inebriated Glaswegian hat. Read the bits that history missed out. [Complete!].

Sequel - Losing Hogwarts (Rowena/Salazar)

Author's Summary: AU. Founding Hogwarts was difficult – losing it could be incredibly easy. Rowena Ravenclaw battles with werewolves, sausages, romance, patriarchal repression and the sexual advances of an intoxicated Glaswegian hat, against a backdrop of revenge, treachery, lust, deceit and untimely visits from embarrassing far-flung relatives. Sequel to “Founding Hogwarts”.

The Palmer Method by Cedar

 Author's Summary: As an initiated Death Eater, Percy Weasley faces the challenge of performing the Killing Curse for the first time in front of Lord Voldemort. Through months of practice he hones his technique, but when the time comes for him to make the kill, it is his character that is truly put to the test.

The Worthy by Eliane Fraser

Author's Summary: The final stand between Harry and Voldemort is in the hall of the Department of Mysteries. After Remus falls, the children charge Voldemort, and Prophecy is fulfilled. But it isn't the end; the Veil stands as Judge, Jury and Executioner for all. Through it, prices are paid, and one man finds redemption. Not a Sirius-comes-back-from-the-Veil fiction, nor is there any insight as to what is on the other side of the Veil. Contains Major Character Death.

 The girl or the game? by Procrastinator-starting2moro

Author's Summary: Lily won’t date James because of his Quidditch obsession, so he quits it for a bet. In 7 days, he struggles to cope with withdrawal symptoms, while she attempts to not fall in love with him and prevent embarrassing situations like sniffing his boxers.

 Love is blind by Procrastinator-starting2moro

Author's Summary: James Potter loses his glasses and seeks help from Head Girl, Lily Evans, to be his guide dog. No doubt, unintentional boob grabbing always occurs with temporary blindness. One shot.

 Memento Mori by Lexie-H

Author's Summary: Separate vignettes. Join the Marauders, Lily, Tonks and a host of our dearly departed favourites as they stumble through a little thing called Death, which is not all it appears to be. DH Spoilers in later chapters.

 Love in Three Easy Steps: An Extensively Researched Project by Draco Malfoy by Wiltana

Author's Summary: Draco is accused of not knowing what love is, so he decides to find out, using his own systematic method. Fluffy, slashy, and more than a bit ridiculous.

 Let Me Fall by MourningBlade

Author's Summary: What happens when fate is tempted? What if Lily fell in love with someone else? James struggles to prove he loves Lily above all else. But will she ever see it? A version of Sense and Sensibility. 

 Kissing the Enemy by czarina-kathryn

Author's Summary: Ever get the feeling the world is conspiring against you? That all of your worst nightmares are coming true? Welcome to my life or week anyway. Someone save me! And while you’re at it, get James Potter’s lips off of mine! 

 There is a War by skjaere

Author's Summary: A kiss, a violation, a tragedy, a night of passion, a wedding, a pregnancy, an attack, a prophecy, a birth. The dark tale of James and Lily from their first kiss to Harry's birth. 1977 to 1980, JamesLily, four parts. There is a War lyrics by Leonard Cohen.

 Sequel - Secret Keepers

Author's Summary: The last days before the Potters' deaths. In which Lily resorts to Dark Magic, James is not a hero, Peter explains himself, and Harry sees all and understands very little. 1981, JamesLily & PeterOFC, four parts. Sex, language, dark magic, character death. 

 Sharing by Bad Mum

Author's Summary: "It is the closest he can get to explaining that sharing with Fred is not like sharing at all, because Fred is the other half of himself."

Philologus by P.P.V.V

Author's Summary: A place where Nobility and the rich reside – that’s where Lily finds herself. Spun in a web of courtesies, status and wealth, she struggles to become a Philogus. But when she meets James, things change. Perhaps academics are not all you learn in school, and James is about to find out that there are some things money can’t buy.

Sequel - Optivus (Lily/James)

Author's Summary: AU Welcome to H.W Academy, where manners exist and the nobility reside. But for James Potter that world comes to an end as he is called to war. Can he leave Lily Evans, the person whom he cares for the most? L/J Will he choose love or duty? R/R.

 Genuine Gemini by P.P.V.V (Lily/Sirius, Lily/James)

Author's Summary: For Sirius Black, power is everything and he is not afraid to use it. Enter Lily Evans, whose only desire is to be invisible, but uncovers the horrible truths that he is hiding. Now, she holds the power in her hands.

By Any Other Name by Didodikali (Lily/Severus)

Author's Summary: A HP Sev + Lily fic by Didodikali

 Call Me Lily by Scriblerian (Lily/James)

Author's Summary: Oneshot. Lily/James. Short, sweet, fluffy fun! Excerpt : Lily was a handful sober…he could only imagine what she was like when she had eleventeen shots of Firewhiskey in her...

 All The Small Things by Maeglin Yedi (Sirius/Tom)

Author's Summary: Of Evil Overlords, thick-headed Gryffindors and little wizards who are too curious for their own good.

 A Nice Cup of Tea and a Lie Down by Bernice

Author's Summary: Harry, Hagrid, Gen, humour, short.

 Mapmakers by Casira (Remus/Sirius)

Author's Summary: A remix of Raven's "Making Moony Laugh." Discovering just who Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are brings up even more questions for Fred -- and when fate takes another of them away, it's time to go back to the source for some answers.

 Exception to the Rule by hpobsessedrissa (Lily/James)

Author's Summary: “I ruin lives, James. You wouldn’t believe it, but I’ve ruined yours too.” In a heartbeat, my feet are on the floor and I’m closing the gap between his arm holding the envelope and myself. “And hers.” L/J, AU, OOC.

Being an Historical Record Surrounding the Unfortunate Truth-or-Dare Game of February the Twenty-Second, and Consequences Thereof (Sirius/Remus)

Author's Summary: Er.

 Let the Water Hold You Down by LupinsLittleSister

Author's Summary: What if Peter was a loyal Death Eater, but found a way to protect James and Lily from being hunted by Voldemort? When Peter sees to it that Harry Potter is born on July 15, 1980, the world changes.

 Happy Birthday, Mr. Dark Lord by After the Rain

Author's Summary: Lord Voldemort announces that he's going to celebrate his birthday with Sugar Quills, Pin-the-Beak-on-the-Hippogriff, and Death Eaters in hula skirts. Has he finally lost his mind, or is somebody crazy like a fox? (Almost a Riddikulus fic. But not quite.).

His Dark Materials

 Palmistry by Limelight (Serrafina Pekkala/Lee Scoresby)

Author's Summary: Witches are born without lifelines. Serafina Pekkala and Lee Scoresby and mortality.


 The Made-Up Things by Mirkat (HP/Narnia)

Author's Summary: Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things - trees and grass and sun and moon and stars. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in any case, the made - up things seem a good deal more important then the real ones.

 The Parting Glass by kitsunealyc (HP/Doctor Who)

Author's Summary: Two survivors from two wars comfort each other over tea and whiskey.

 Time Turner by Kate Bolin (HP/Doctor Who)

Author's Summary: It was a bleak, colourless day when Hermione Granger discovered they were out of time.

 Who So Loves Believes the Impossible (The Metaphysical Gravity Remix) by krabapple (HP/Doctor Who)

Author's Summary: The more things change, the more they change. Sirius Black and Rose Tyler face brave new worlds.

 Down the Ferret-Hole by Mundungus42 (HP/Lewis Carroll)

Author's Summary: Fuming over beinig forced to study Divination, Hermione decides to give it the old Hogwarts try.

 Sequel - Through the Foe Glass and What Severus Found There

Author's Summary: Severus discovers compelling reasons to go on living after the events of HBP. Sequel to Down the Ferret Hole, SSHG.

 The Great Unknown by skjaere (HP/Series of Unfortunate Events)